Ona je instruktorka joge koja ruši sve predrasude


Međunarodna instruktorka joge Dana Falseti oduvek se bori sa viškom kilograma. Joga joj je pomogla da prevlada probleme tokom godina prejedanja i da konačno nauči da voli svoje tijelo onakvo kakvo jeste.

Ona smatra da svako može da bude onakav kakav jeste, a da uz to praktikuje jogu. Njen snažan i strpljiv način učenja šalje jasnu poruku i omogućava njenim učenicima da se ohrabre izgradnjom svijesti o svom tijelu.

Krajnji cilj joj je da stvori prostor u kome se njeni učenici osjećaju sigurno, kreću slobodno i uživaju u jogi bez ikakvih očekivanja.

Dana je zbog problema sa viškom kilograma bila na raznim dijetama i konstantno vježbala, ali je nakon značajnog gubitka težine shvatila da je mršavija, ali ne i srećnija i da se promjenom izgleda tijela nije i ona promijenila.

“Imala sam poremećaj ishrane, borila sam se sa viškom kilograma i osjećala depresivno i loše sve dok nisam shvatila da mogu da prihvatim i volim sebe ovakvu kakva jesam. Uz jogu sam spoznala svoju pravu snagu i shvatila da su najteža ograničenja ona koja sami sebi stvorimo”, kaže Dana.

Ona priznaje da je, zbog svoje debljine, sumnjala da će ikada uspjeti da izvede naprednije vježbe, ali je bila uporna i došla do momenta kada za nju više nije postojala poza koja nije izvodiva.

Shitty iPhone pic suitable for a rant 🙂 I've recently gotten criticism for posting asana like this – that it's perhaps a disservice for some. I get that. The truth is I'm not for everyone. My teaching isn't for everyone, perhaps my message isn't for everyone either. But this an important topic that all comes back to perception. Here's what I know: I am doing and teaching what resonates with me and what has changed me. I teach fundamentals, alignment, strength, faith, and belief in possibilities. I know some will see this photo and feel discouraged, others will see it and feel inspired. I really can't control that. I totally understand being in that position – to take this kind of image and absorb it as a negative reflection of yourself. I have been there and lived there in that mindset for many years. At some point you have to decide to see things differently if you want to make a change. I can't promise that this pose will ever happen for you, I can't promise anything will ever happen for you. But I can absolutely guarantee that by putting time into your practice – whether that means – restorative yoga, chair yoga, full blown ashtanga, whatever… that will change you. Putting the time in is where that process happens. I don't know if my practice will be like this forever. Some days poses like this are a joke and my body is not having it, other days it's there. Maybe there will be an injury or illness, maybe I'll gain or lose weight and that will change what's accessible to me, maybe as I get older my natural flexibility will dwindle and that will change what's accessible to me, don't know and can't know. As long as I'm in the right head space I will continue to practice no matter what is available to me or not and no matter what it looks like. Maybe sometimes that means no asana. Practice for YOU. No jealousy, no comparison. Just you, because you deserve it and you can do it, whatever it may be for you and your body in this exact moment.

A post shared by Dana Falsetti (@nolatrees) on

Dana na Instagramu ima skoro 300 hiljada pratilaca koji u njoj pronalaze inspiraciju.

“Neki ljudi vide moju fotografiju i smatraju me inspiracijom. Neki je vide i kažu da sam kit. Nisam ni inspiracija ni kit, ja sam samo ja. Ljudi će vidjeti ono što žele da vide”, zaključila je Dana.



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